case-history-enSee:  MPP | SCIP


Intelligent Exploration

The following letter was submitted by I.E. Intelligent Exploration after using the SCIP and the MPP probe on several field projects.


I.E. Intelligent Exploration
59 Nicholas Road, R. R. 4,
Campbellford, Ontario K0L 1L0
Ph: (905) 308-2742 

November 13, 2009

Mr. Pierre Gaucher,
Instrumentation GDD,
Quebec (Qc)

When we contacted you last year we were seeking a compact, micro-processor based instrument to measure IP chargeability spectra of rock samples that could compare directly with data from modern IP field systems. The Sample Core IP instrument that your company has developed meets our needs perfectly.

The SCIP combines a stable, digitally controlled, low power transmitter with a single channel, 20 window time domain receiver that is fully capable of spectral analysis of the decay curve. We have combined the SCIP with your multi-parameter EM/MAG probe (MPP- EM2S+) and a portable balance as a field-ready portable laboratory for the measurement of physical properties. We get the information that a geophysicist needs to design an appropriate survey. Where samples are available from initial drilling or outcrops, hard data tell us which geophysical techniques will target a particular ore type and whether there is enough contrast with the host to create anomalies in the field.

We have used the SCIP on several Canadian projects and flown it overseas as hand luggage. It is efficient and convenient to operate and we have enjoyed a perfect record of reliability with it. The time required to measure a sample is markedly less with the SCIP than with an older analogue core testing unit that we used in the past. Both the SCIP and the MPP pass data direct to a PDA by a wireless link for analysis and file archiving. Transcription errors are eliminated and no time is wasted copying or plotting data by hand. This extra speed makes it possible to process more than fifty hand or core samples per day. In short order we can know the geophysical properties of all of the samples in a collection representing every lithological domain on a property—right in the core shack.

We congratulate you on your development of an instrument that eliminates a lot of guess work in geophysical survey planning. Every exploration manager should enjoy the advantage of knowing the characteristics of his target before he contracts for expensive field surveys.

Yours truly, 

C. J. Hale, Ph. D. FGAC. P. Geo
John Gilliatt, B. Sc., P. Geoph., P. Geo.


Contact Us

Phone: +1(418) 478-5469

Monday thru Friday. 9 AM to 5 PM. (Eastern Time (EST)/New York)


Instrumentation GDD
1963 rue Frank-Carrel
Suite 203
Quebec (Qc) CANADA
G1N 2E6

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