case-hitory-en See the Specs

Patterson Geophysics Inc.

1012 Finlayson Street Box 100
La Ronge
SK S0J 1L0
Tel: (306) 425-3867
Fax: (306) 425-3197


The NordicEM24 is an excellent EM receiver for Canadian winters and a perfect accompaniment for our HT SQUID sensor. It has consistently performed well at -30C to
-40C. Battery power has never been an issue, even in extreme cold. The touchscreen is not only functional in the cold, it can be used when wearing gloves or mitts, a huge bonus for the Canadian field operator.

The instrument's software design and layout is excellent. All relevant information is legibly displayed or easily accessed- with one touch 1 can switch the display from decays to profiles or waveforms, review data station-by-station, check the status of batteries and synchronization, change the display scale or reset to default scale, etc. The menu options are comprehensive and arranged in a logical, almost intuitive manner. The simplicity of the design means 1 have been able to quickly train other operators, but this has not been at the expense of functionality - no essential features have been compromised or omitted. The receiver exceeds our requirements for range of transmit frequencies, EM window schemes, sampling rates, stacking options, and repeat readings, as weil as different sensors.

Synchronization via GPS and crystal are both effective. The integrated GPS antennae are capable of quick synchronization in all but the most heavily wooded areas, and the automatic crystal synch backup, when needed, means that the operator need not worry about synch issues.

The Tx Controller is also excellently designed and simple to use. Batteries will last two or three days, even in the coldest temperatures.

Best of ail, support from GDD has been top-notch. Any issues are resolved quickly and efficiently. Software updates have been quick and easy to install, and the GDD tech team have proven themselves capable of doing on-the-spot modifications as necessary. I have already seen significant improvements over the past year - I am confident that future versions of the NordicEM24 will exceed expectations.

Joel Grunerud, B.Sc., P.Geo.

Patterson Geophysics Inc.

Jan 14, 2014


Contact Us

Phone: +1(418) 478-5469

Monday thru Friday. 9 AM to 5 PM. (Eastern Time (EST)/New York)


Instrumentation GDD
1963 rue Frank-Carrel
Suite 203
Quebec (Qc) CANADA
G1N 2E6

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